MCA Approved Mandatory STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) Course Online for Seafarers by VIRSEC The STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) online course is intended to provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties to enhance ship security.
Onine STCW Training: Security Awareness
The STCW Company Security Officer online course provides training about how to develop implement maintain and supervise Ship Security Plans and how to identify threats vulnerabilities and assessment of security risks Order Ship Security Officer.
Security Awareness Online STCW Courses
This Security Awareness online course aims to raise awareness about the different security threats and how seafarers can maintain security on board of a ship STCW Security Awareness training is mandatory for all seafarers working on board of vessels who do not have designated security duties The seafarers must hold an official certificate of STCW Security Awareness.
STCW Security Awareness Marlins Training Ltd
STCW Security Awareness Online Course Course cost $150 Combined with Crowd Management $225 The approved STCW Security Awareness Training course provides crew with the necessary knowledge and understanding of basic security measures onboard the ship.
ONLINE TRAINING Security Awareness STCW RegulationVI/6 paragraph 12 & 3 and section AVI/64 Certificate To receive a certificate the following steps should be completed Create an account or log in Select and purchase the correct training Read the content of the training Take the online exam with 20 multiple choice questions.