Pt Yb Apparel Jaya. PT Yb Apparel Jaya at Candi Ampel Boyolali Regency Central Java Indonesia Find their customers contact information and details on 44 shipments.
H M Hennes Mauritz Inc New York Ny Usa Buyer Report Panjiva from H & M Hennes & Mauritz Inc., New York …
PT YB Apparel Jaya Average Rating 3 Place Address Jl Raya Krangan Pringsurat No16 Nguwet Kranggan Kabupaten Temanggung Jawa Tengah 56271 Indonesia Vicinity Jalan Raya Krangan Pringsurat No16 Nguwet Phone Number (0293) 3219556 Intern Phone Number (0293) 3219556Vicinity Jalan Raya KranganPringsurat No16 NguwetPlace Name PTYB Apparel Jaya.
PT Yb Apparel Jaya, Candi, Ampel, Boyolali Regency, Central
Pt yb apparel jayaPt yb apparel jaya is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.
PT. Yb Apparel Jaya detailed incorporation information
PT Yb Apparel Jaya A limited liability company in Indonesia Company Information Basic information about PT Yb Apparel Jaya Company name YbApparelJaya Address JLRAYA KRANGGAN KM 3 DESA NGUWET KECAMATAN TEMANGGUNG City Jawa Tengah Business number 4.
PT Yb Apparel Jaya at JLRAYA KRANGGANPRINGSURAT KM3 DSNGUWET KECKRANGGAN KABTEMANGGUNG Find their customers contact information and details on 48 shipments.
H M Hennes Mauritz Inc New York Ny Usa Buyer Report Panjiva
Pt. Yb Apparel Jaya · Jl. Raya Krangan Pringsurat No.16
Pt Yb Apparel Jaya U.S. Import Records
Pt yb apparel jaya Importer in Indonesia, Pt yb apparel jaya
Supplier Profile of PT YB APPAREL JAYA Top Customers Top
ybappareljaya] A summary of customers suppliers and logistics partners for the latest 11 US imports by Pt Yb Apparel Jaya are presented below In total 11 import manifest records have been entered for Pt Yb Apparel Jaya since January 2018.