Pantone 3015 C. Pantone / PMS 3015 C / #00629b Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #00629b is a medium dark shade of cyanblue In the RGB color model #00629b is comprised of 0% red 3843% green and 6078% blue In the HSL color space #00629b has a hue of 202° (degrees) 100% saturation and 30% lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 47789 nm This.

The following list contains the conversion results of color Pantone 301 C to RGB hexadecimal HSL HSV Lab and XYZ colorspaces each format represents the same color rgb(0 70 131) #004683 hsl(2079 100% 257%) hsv(2079 100% 514%) lab(295 63 395) xyz(63 6 223) The hexadecimal RGB and HSL values can be used in CSS files to define colors of different.
Pantone / PMS 3015 / #00669e Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints
Buy Paint Matching Pantone 3015 CConversion ResultsSimilar RAL Pantone and SherwinWilliams ColorsTints Shades and TonesColor Schemes and PalettesLink This PageTints shades and tones are generated from the base color by adding white black and gray paint to it respectively The process results a harmonic color scale You can open any color on a new page by clicking on the desired hexagon Tints These are the color variants which are generated by adding white color to the base Pantone 3015 C color This process results a scale from a dar.
Pantone PMS 3015 C Precisely Matched For Spray Paint and
#00629b color name is Pantone 3015 C Color | #00629B RGB Colors An RGB color value is specified with rgb(red green blue) Each parameter (red green and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%) Red value of its RGB is 0 Green value is 98 and blue value is 155 RGBA Colors alpha The rgba().
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PDF filePANTONE 3015 C PANTONE 323 C PANTONE 101 C PANTONE 375 C PANTONE 293 C PANTONE 1235 C PANTONE 3015 C PANTONE 323 C 522708 CHAT/POST MESSAGES 25416 MEETING PARTICIPATIONS Appendix B – Survey results L ord R obert s C om m uni t y Traffi c St udy Phase Three Surv ey 1 / 63 960% 31 2136% 69 6904% 223 Q1 Have you provided.
Pantone 301 C Color Hex color Code #004B87 information
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Pantone 3015 C information, conversion and buy paint
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#00629b Hex Color 3015 C / Code, RGB and Paints Pantone / PMS
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PANTONE® 3015 C Find a Pantone Colour Quick …
Pantone 3015 C Color Hex color Code #00629B …
RAL to Pantone Conversion
The RGB color code for Pantone 3015 C color is RGB(098155) Complete color information on Pantone 3015 C color and its color code is available at color page Pantone 3015 C color is primarily a color from Cyan Blue color family It is a mixture of blue color Download Pantone 3015 C color background image.