Kabus. Check 'kabus' translations into English Look through examples of kabus translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
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Kabus Directed by Feisal Azizuddin With Tony Eusoff Sara Mack Lubis Syazani Zikry Kabus is a psychological thriller set mainly in the present time of the “new normal” Actors Tony Eusoff Syazani Zikry Sara Mack Lubis.
Hidra feat. Saki Kabus (Official Audio) YouTube
Definition of Kabus in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of Kabus What does Kabus mean? Information and translations of Kabus in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
KABUS Translation in English bab.la
Kabus (which means nightmare) is an incubus jinni belonging to the race of those who bring different ailments and diseases to men He is depicted as a jinni with ashen gray skin while the background is shown with a man sleeping oppressed by a nightmare His face is surmounted by two ram horns and two enormous canines protruding out from his mouth He is dressed in light pink fabric pants.
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What does Kabus mean?
Turkish How to use “kabus” in a sentence Bununla birlikte çocukluğundan kaynaklanan şiddetli bir olayın puslu kabusları ile rahatsız olmaya devam ediyordu Alex'e olan aşkı bile bu kabuslarından kurtulmasına yardımcı olmaz artık lanetlenmiştir ve ilk dolunayda vücudu dramatik bir değişime uğrayıp hayvanlaşır.