Bion M Syngenta. Bion M 1/48 WP diproduksi oleh PT Syngenta Indonesia salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam farmasi atau pembuatan obat tanaman berkualitas dan terpercaya Rev 13 / 03 / 21 Fungisida Bion M 1/48 berbentuk tepung berwarna coklat kekuningan dan dapat disuspensikan dan mengandung bahan aktif Mankozeb 48% dan AsibensolarSMetil 1%.
Fungicides Intaba Trading from Intaba Trading
Bion a product that represents a real revolution in the field of fitoiatrico High oleic HO sunflower in Germany have a market potential of The leaf test of Bertrand and Tourvieille was modified to determine the reaction of sunflowers to artificial infection by Sclerotinia This video is unavailable Watch on.
Bion Syngenta
PDF fileSyngenta sells seed treatment formulations to customers who apply slurries based on recipes which describe the composition and the application process settings A slurry consists of different components such as a seed treatment product a colorant and seed coating additive.
60 g
FUNGİSİT PLANT PROTECTION Active Substance 4% AcibenzolarSmethyl 40% MetalaxylM Formulation WG (water dispersible granule) Systemic fungicide licensed in.
√ Jual Bion M 1/48 WP Harga Murah Pertanian Indonesia
Total volumes of not less than 500 mL nor more than 12 L water/100 kg of seed are recommended when BION is applied alone If additional seed treatments are applied in combination with BION a higher total application volume may be required to ensure even coverage of seed.
Fungicides Intaba Trading
FUNGISIDAFungisida Bion M 1/48 WpGotokomu
BION SYNGENTA PDF English online
Syngenta United States
Jual Bion M Murah & Terbaik Harga Terbaru January 2022
BION SYNGENTA PDF otel Seven Brothers
Products Syngenta
1/48WP Bion M ®
Bion M Fungisida Terdekat Murah 2022 Jual Harga Terbaru
Tomat Bion M Andalan Petani Fungisida Bercak Daun
Bion 500 FS Seed Treatment Product & Label …
PRODUCT GUIDE Syngenta Seedcare
Greenbook Syngenta LLC Bion 50WG Agworld DBX
Bion Speciality Products Syngenta
Kegunggulan dan Fungsi Fungisida BION M 1/48 WP Untuk
Our crop protection products Syngenta
Jual Fungisida Bion M 1/48 WP 500gr oleh PT. AGRO DAHLIA
Cara aplikasi Bion M Syngenta dengan melarutkan dalam air terlebih dahulu anda bisa tambahkan perekat terbaik Kemudian semprotkan pada bagian tanaman yang terserang penyakit dengan interval tertentu Dosis Bion M 1 / 48 WP sekitar 1 s/d 15 gr/liter air atau tergantung jenis penyakit tanaman kondisi lingkungan Anda bisa membaca lebih jelas lewat aturan pakai yang.