Al Quran Surat Al Isra Ayat 23. 17/AlIsra23 And your Lord has decreed that you shall not serve any but Him and that you show kindness to your parents If either or both of them live with you do not say to them “Ugh” nor rebuke them and speak to them a generous word.
Tafsir Surah Al Isra Ayat 23 Jangan Pernah Kasar Pada Orang Tua Sekecil Apapun from
Surat AlIsra Ayat 23 Arab, Latin, Terjemahan Arti Bahasa
SuratAlIsra' Ayat 23 adalah sebuah search engine khusus tafsir AlQuran yang memudahkan umat islam mencari dan memahami tafsir ayatayatAlQur'an dan Hadits.
AlIsra23, Surah 17The Journey by Night (AlIsra) Verse# 23
23 And your Lord has Qada ﴿decreed﴾ that you worship none but Him And that you be dutiful to your parents If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life say not to them a word of disrespect nor reprimand them but address them in terms of honor 24.
AlQur'an Surat AlIsra Ayat ke23
Al Isra is 17 surah (chapter) of the Quran with 111 verses (ayat) this is QS 1723 english translate Quran surah Al Isra 23 image and Transliteration Waqa da rabbuka all a taAAbudoo ill a iyy a hu wabi a lw a lidayni i h s a nan imm a yablughanna AAindaka alkibara a h aduhum a aw kil a hum a fal a taqul lahum a offin wal a tanharhum a waqul lahum a qawlan kareem a n.
Tafsir Surah Al Isra Ayat 23 Jangan Pernah Kasar Pada Orang Tua Sekecil Apapun
Surat AlIsra' Ayat 23
Surah AlIsra Ayat 23 (17:23 Quran) With Tafsir My Islam
Quran surah Al Isra 23 (QS 17: 23) in arabic and english
Surat AlIsra ayat 23 Setelah Allah melarang perbuatan syirk dalam ayat sebelumnya maka di ayat ini Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala memerintahkan kita untuk mentauhidkanNya.