01500 Area Code. 01503 is the area code for the Looe area in the Cornwall region The majority of numbers utilizing the 01503 area code are regular Looe landlines however it should be.
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Codes near to the 0151 area code 01744 St Helens about 11 miles to the E 01928 Runcorn about 12 miles to the ESE 01695 Skelmersdale about 13 miles to the ENE 01244 Chester about 15 miles to the SSE 01925 Warrington about 16 miles to the E 01704 Southport about 16 miles to the N 01942 Wigan about 18 miles to the ENE.
01504 STD Code Location name and area map
There are 405 area codes in the world 326 in the US 42 in Canada 17 nongeographic and 20 others Most of the other area codes are in the Caribbean However some are located in the Pacific including 684 (American Samoa) 671 (Guam) and 670 (Northern Mariana Islands).
01508 View Map of the Brooke Area Code GeoPunk
Get the numbers you need in your area with a few simple clicks or the button or taps of your screen and you are there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Telephone numbers with the same dialing code 01506268708 01506521214 01506233684.
UK Area Code 01508 Phone Lookup
101 rowsGet the numbers you need in your area with a few simple clicks or the button or tapsNUMBERSNUMBERSINTERNATIONAL01508 000000+44150800000001508 000001+44150800000101508 000002+44150800000201508 000003+441508000003.
Design Standards And Cad Standards Document Viewer
01590 Phone UK Area Code Lookup
01509 View Map of the Loughborough Area Code GeoPunk
01580 View Map of the Cranbrook Area Code GeoPunk
UK Area Code 01506 Phone Lookup
01509 area code Who called me from the 01509
code in the Telephone number dialling 01503 area code. UK
Area codes locator Area code lookup by number or city
UK Area Code 01507 Phone Lookup
01500? 01500 who calls me from
01505 View Map of the Area Code GeoPunk
01560 area code. Telephone number dialling code in the UK
01500 Area Code and Number Information UKPhoneInfo
01506 View Map of the Area Code GeoPunk
01510 Area Code and Number Information UKPhoneInfo
01502 area code Who called me from the 01502 Lowestoft
UK Area Code 01550 Phone Lookup
01501 area code Who called me from the 01501 Harthill
01501 area code | Who called me from the 01501 Harthill area code? 01501 Area Code (Dialling Code) ???? 01501 is the area code for Harthill and the surrounding area The UK telephone numbers from Harthill have this format (01501) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01501 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.